McGees Property recruits LFR star

Dallas Sears made Director – Large Format Retail

McGees Property’s ongoing evolution in its 40th year continues apace with another
recruitment coup, with retail sector star Dallas Sears appointed as Director – Large
Format Retail.

Sears has 24 years’ experience in the retail industry, and has held multiple positions
that have involved marketing centres, devising sales campaigns and special events,
property management, leasing retail space, and revitalising centres.

For the past 15 years she was at CBRE, leasing large format retail space, starting as
a negotiator and ultimately becoming a Director. Prior to that she worked at Knight
Frank and then Commercial SA.

“Dallas has been the dominant operative in the South Australian market for over 15
years and a more than worthy competitor to McGees Property in its specialisation in
this market,” said McGees Property Director Craig Feely.

“Having Dallas join forces with McGees Property will undoubtedly make us the
leading agent in this market. Moving moving forward I expect us to be clear leaders
in large format retail property services – in sales, leasing, management, and

Sears’ appointment means McGees Property’s Large Format Retail capabilities have
a combined 50 years’ experience in the sector.

“I love my job. I’m passionate about my job. I’ve been engaged in various roles within
the retail property sector for over 24 years and I continue to find it rewarding,” Sears

“Since my journey in the industry began in 2000, I have thrived on the dynamic
atmosphere of working in retail properties – in shopping centres, homemaker and
large format centres, and strip locations – and focusing on enhancing foot traffic and
optimising tenancy mix.

“I don’t just want to do a lease deal – I want to put the best tenant in the best location
for them and the centre. The psychology behind tenancy mix and consumer
purchases remains a captivating subject for me.

“I’m really excited about joining McGees Property. Everyone here has been very
welcoming and I’m glad I made the decision to come across to a fantastic new team.
“I’ll continue to do the work that I have done leasing large format retail, and I’ll also
be able to branch out and be involved in other kinds of retail property sales and
leasing so I can help my clients in different ways, which I’m really looking forward to.”
Sears said, “Adelaide’s large format market has really boomed in the last few years
and it doesn’t feel like it is slowing down any time soon”.

“We have retailers who are looking to expand their network, relocate stores that are
underperforming, who aren’t in the right location, or are in stores that are no longer
the right size.

“We also have clients who recognise the demand for new supply and are looking to
redevelop existing space, or develop and build new large format retail centres.”
Feely added, “As we celebrate our 40th anniversary, McGees Property continues to
evolve and enhance our capabilities by recruiting some of Adelaide’s most respected
real estate operators.”

“Dallas has an intimate knowledge of Adelaide and its real estate sector, something
we value extremely highly at McGees Property.”

McGees Property recently boosted its agency and management capabilities with the
recruitment of highly-respected industry veterans Theo Kaldis, who has been
appointed as Senior Commercial Property Manager, and Boyd Octoman, who has
been appointed at Senior Executive – Sales & Leasing.

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